⚡️ Top 10 news of the week
A curated list of every week's most relevant links on Digital Health News, hand-picked for you by Light-it.
Did you know that 1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 fall each year, costing the healthcare system $60B annually? The good news... Exercise is the #1 way to prevent falls amongst older adults. BOLD’s mission is to help older adults live their strongest, happiest, and healthiest lives. Members gain access to an at-home, digital workout platform personalized to their interests and needs. Their expert trainers, science-based assessments and fitness programs improve strength, flexibility, balance, and reduced falls for members.
Hey there Insider,
Hope your week has been great! 🤓
Here’s your must-read weekly roundup of the latest news and developments in the digital healthcare sector! 👇🏼
DHI Roundtable | HealthTech Privacy: actionable strategies for data protection & compliance.
Two-thirds of healthcare organizations hit by ransomware in past year: survey.
30 - 23 October, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV, USA.
5 - 7 November, 2024 | Baltimore, AZ, US.
Until next week, stay connected!
Digital Health Insider.