⚡️ Top 10 news of the week
A curated list of every week's most relevant links on Digital Health News, hand-picked for you.
Spotlight of the week 🤩: Clarify Health
Clarify Health Solutions® is an enterprise analytics and value-based payments platform company that delivers end-to-end intelligence on every patient journey, empowering payers, providers, and life sciences companies to make better care decisions. Its unified platform, Atlas, maps over 300 million patient journeys, generates over 18 billion AI-powered predictions, and delivers insights with speed and precision via cloud software applications.
Hey there Insider,
Hope you had a fantastic week!
Let’s go straight to the point and dig into the latest updates on the digital healthcare industry so you can be a top insider starting today. 💪
💡Know your industry
Global digital health funding hits lowest level since 2016, report finds.
Healthcare sector has lowest levels of security protection for AI.
Ransomware attacks on healthcare facilities cost $77.5B in downtime, report finds.
😏 Companies to keep in sight
🙌 Startup of the week
⭐️ Upcoming events
8 - 10 January, 2024 | San Francisco, CA.
9 - 12 January, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV.
Until next week, stay connected!
Digital Health Insider.