⚡️ Top 10 news of the week
A curated list of every week's most relevant links on Digital Health News, hand-picked for you.
Spotlight of the week 🤩: Tellescope
Tellescope's HIPAA-compliant CRM enables digital healthcare businesses to provide a modern patient experience and double their team's productivity with workflow automation and by centralizing patient communications, intake, scheduling, and more.
Hey there Insider,
Hope you had a fantastic week!
Let’s go straight to the point and dig into the latest updates on the digital healthcare industry so you can be a top insider starting today. 💪
💡Know your industry
😏 Companies to keep in sight
Athelas + Commure: merging to create a $6B healthcare infrastructure company.
PE-owned HealthComp and Virgin Pulse to combine in $3B merger.
Cigna Group to pay $172 million to resolve false claims act allegations.
🙌 Startup of the week
⭐️ Upcoming events
October 8 - 11, 2023 | Las Vegas, NV.
HLTH 2023 → We’ll be there! Click here to meet us.
Until next week, stay connected!
Digital Health Insider.