⚡️ Top 10 news of the week
Hey there Insider,
Hope you had a fantastic week! ⚡️
Let’s go straight to the point and dig into the latest updates on the digital healthcare industry so you can be a top insider starting today. 💪
🚀 Know your industry
The 11 most promising health tech startups, according to Silicon Valley VCs.
After pandemic highs, digital health funding slouches to early 2019 levels.
Study: Telehealth follow-up linked to return emergency department visits.
😏 Companies to keep in sight
🔥 Startup of the week
Electronic Caregiver raises $42.5M and more digital health fundings.
Navina, maker of AI assistant for doctors, raises $22M to fuel its growth with medical groups.
⭐️ Upcoming events
November 5 - 9, 2022 | Washington, DC.
November 7 - 10, 2022 | Illinois.
November 7 - 9, 2022 | Philadelphia, PA & Online.
Talk to you soon! 😉
Digital Health Insider.